Chakras- Part2

March 25, 2018

By Annu Sachdeva

Continued from the last blog-

 A Chakra is like a wheel which is shown like a Lotus that has a different number of petals. More the petals, more it's frequency or vibration in that particular chakra. More petals also denote a higher spiritual activity or more evolving of the spirit.

Kundalini, the base chakra has four petals compared to the thousand petals of the crown chakra. The energy at the base can be enhanced by pure acts of love, prayers, meditation or service in any way possible for others. As this energy rises from kundalini, it activates each chakra along the way and causes these chakras to spin and the lotus to blossom. So, a four-petalled chakra reaches its zenith of thousand petals in the crown chakra.

The seventh energy centre -the crown- when fully opened- can show enlightenment. This is depicted in Buddhism as an aura of fire around that form or in Christianity as a golden hallo and circling the head of the holy ones.

When these seven chakras are spinning at a healthy pace they show different colours in different chakras. If the currents are strong, they look bright. But if the energy is weak or blocked- it shows a duller or muddled colour. 

But the good thing is that the blocked chakra can be unblocked by our own selves. This blocked chakra gives fatigue, health problems or emotional imbalance. When the energy flow is free and the chakras are unblocked, we feel happy, creative, energetic and at peace.

Our heart chakra is the most important as it receives the energy directly from the source. This source is of the Supreme Lord in whatever form you worship it. This energy is received in our heart chakra and from here distributed to other chakras. So, your heart is the primary place to open your self to receive this illumination. 

We can be naturally kind, loving and charitable in nature. This will ensure that our heart chakra starts healing itself. This would spread the good energy to throat chakra which in turn can give caring communication. So the choice is with us to be loving or selfish. Our speech can be soft and caring or harsh and critical, which in turn can start blocking the chakra in the throat.

Our choices have consequences, we can either attract good energy or bad energy and consequently block our chakra. These toxins of bad energy inhibit the free flow of energy like arteries and veins get blocked by cholesterol plaque.

Blocked chakras not only give bad health but also do not let us get what we want in life. Even one blocked chakra can hamper the working of other chakras, giving hinderances in our goals. 

Not only does this energy affect us but also affects those we associate with. If a person is loving, kind and cheerful, you feel good in his/her presence compared to someone who is always complaining, depressive or in a bad mood. These energies can be contagious. This is the reason why certain places are not happy places as the balance of people inhibiting these are not in sync.

Though there is no fixed formula to energise our chakras as each of us is spectacularly unique, but certain thoughts and rituals would definitely help. Our personal growth is a creative and a sacred adventure and with the right thoughts and actions, a lot of transformation can come. 

Next blog will talk in detail about all chakras starting with Kundalini.




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