The Bhagwat Gita

April 27, 2017

By Annu Sachdeva

The Bhagwat Gita is the greatest book on earth as it symbolises the shining light of divinity on us. The last thoughts should be of God when we leave our mortal body behind otherwise we are reborn to pursue our attachment to worldly things.

The moral and spiritual deeds of children become the cause of liberation of the ancestors- Dasharatha Puran

Whatever auspicious or inauspicious deeds man does, he gets happiness and agonies accordingly.

The horoscope reveals the bond, linkage and its quality with the family we are born into.

The only way to mitigate the bad effects of our horoscope is to pray.
Prayer done in earnestness and with purity of soul is the only way out of our misery in Kalyug.

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