This mantra is for every person who aspires to get good education.

April 28, 2017

By Annu Sachdeva

This mantra is for every person who aspires to get good education.

"सरस्वती महाभागे विध्ये कमल लोचने,

विध्या रूपे विशालाक्षि विध्याम देहि नमोस्तुते."

Write this on a white paper with green pen and put it on the study desk of children. It enhances their concentration and retentive powers. For full benefit this should be recited 108 times every day. A mother reigns supreme as a Guru for a child. A conducive environment for education is provided by the family. This is very important as unless the right environment is given there cannot be any successful follow up in the field of education.

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