March 23, 2018
You all must be aware of the chakras present in our body. These are the seven energy centres which connect our body to the spiritual world so that our mind, body and soul become one. This oneness ensures we live a happy and healthy life where our vitality and creativity is at its best.
These energy centres when working in perfect order give a blissful life but sadly that is not the case with everyone as they get blocked due to an imbalance in our energy field. The energies of cosmic world heal some people as it is a direct link between an individual and his own higher self. Even in the time of Jesus, some people were healed and some were not, as it depended on the kind of faith a person had. Though karma and divine will are a part of the bigger picture, faith still healed.
We all have the powers to heal ourselves in body, mind and soul through the use of positive affirmations, prayers and spiritual discipline. The three treasures of life: vitality, energy and spirit are contained in ourselves and we must value them utmost for health and happiness.
Vitality the main life force comes from knowing how to tap into our energy centre. We have seven energy centres which are also known as Reiki Chakras. These Chakras are placed along our spine starting from the base of the spine. The first chakra at the base is also known as Kundalini which governs our sexuality and day to day physical level of existence.
Next chakra is placed a little above the base chakra and is known as the Seat-of-the-soul-chakra. This is the area of gut reaction and hunches.
The third chakra is located just below the rib cage and is our centre of peace, here we express and master our emotions and desires.
Fourth Is the Heart Chakra which governs the compassion and love in action.
The throat chakra is the fifth in number and controls our willpower and the power of the spoken word.
The sixth chakra is the third eye chakra, located between the brows. It helps us to concentrate on the highest truth and see any situation clearly.
The Crown chakra is the seventh chakra where we use our intellect in securing sudden flashes of illumination and enlightenment.
These chakras are beyond the physical and yet physical as they seem to be co-ordinates of spirits right within our bodies.This was an introduction to the Chakras, a detailed analysis of all the chakras would follow shortly starting from Kundalini. You would know what is kundalini and how does it affect you. If your energy centre is out of sync then you would know how to correct that. Our body can be rid of all diseases in that area where the energy is just right. Not only would you get your energy right but would also learn how to seal the chakras so that vitality is not lost, as holding on to good energy is equally important.
Get in touch for a better future.